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Writer's pictureSophia

I'm looking forward to the weekend again 😍

When Bine writes in the group chat “I'm really looking forward to the activity” or Tommi is “just happy” to see us all again at the next weekly meet-up, my heart soars. I can finally plan my evenings and weekends reliably again and have a good time with a mix of acquaintances, friends and new faces at the Meet5 activities. With Premium, I can also write to my new acquaintances individually, especially after successful evenings 😊

It was different a few months ago. Unfortunately, things went quiet in my private circle of friends. How can we all have so little time, I asked myself. Why is someone always cancelling, sometimes even me? The time horizons shifted. The good times were either in the past or in the future. After I was once again cancelled at short notice on a Friday evening, I decided that something had to change - right now đŸ»

Recently, I've heard my friend Volker say “Can't make it, I'm at a Meet5 activity” more and more often. A few years ago, I wouldn't have dared to meet up with others online, but now that I'm also increasingly going digital at work, it all seemed more logical to me. I quickly joined the first activity. It was the “coffee chat over cake”. Sounds good, I thought, and was very excited. At least everyone looked nice in the photos and that's the most important thing. More and more other members looked at my profile and I became curious to see who they all were. I didn't have Premium at the time 😊

Kaffeeklatsch bei Kuchen

I was still a bit nervous on the day of my first activity. Now I can only laugh about it. After a leisurely start, what surprised me the most was how many different backgrounds we all came from. From a travel agency employee to the owner of a fashion store in Offenbach, a jewelry retailer and me as an architect, we really had it all. What united us all was that we were happy that everyone else was there and that there were no cancellations in advance.

The atmosphere was exuberant and perhaps a little too loud and cackling for outsiders. After the third double espresso, Matthias was talking so seriously about the art of making coffee that he didn't notice that the rest of us were already somewhere else. We were able to advise Martina on problems with her family, even if this was mainly limited to active listening. The rest of the time was spent talking about God and the world and what else we all like.

A few of our group felt the same way I did. We hadn't forgotten how to have a good time, just how to make time for it. Our small initial formation has now grown into a group of around 12, which regularly goes to meetings together, but also leaves room for newcomers. We are always in contact at the meetings via the group chat, but I particularly enjoy chatting with the newcomers afterwards. Occasionally I see a great profile and then invite them directly to one of my meetings. However, the most important premium function for me is prioritized participation in meetings. I don't like waiting times at all ☕ 🍰

The biggest change Meet5 has made for me is simply that I'm looking forward to my weekends again. Whereas in the months and years before Meet5 there was a lot of uncertainty about who I would meet up with and whether it would happen, Meet5 has given me what feels like a thousand friends in my pocket, no matter where I am in Germany 🍀

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